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Why can your chosen person be considered notable?


Who, out of everybody in the world, alive or dead, would I consider the most notable? Well, I would always answer 'Greta Thunberg', of course. She is an international climate change activist who has given up her childhood and her dreams to the cause. Greta gave the world a wake-up call on climate change, skipping school to sit outside the Swedish Parliament to protest with a sign reading 'School Strike for Climate Change', and before she knew it, she was speaking at the United Nations COP24 Climate Change Summit. 


When I was researching Greta, it was helpful that she is a famous person and closely related to a very hot topic in today's world - climate change. It means that there were lots of very recent news articles on her, giving me more and better material. It would have been harder to find content on a less well-known notable. The biggest problem was sifting through the random websites and clickbait to find ones that will provide valuable research material. 


Greta first discovered the term 'climate change' in 2011, when she was eight years old. She was shocked by the concept that people are knowingly releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere and, ultimately, could kill off the human race. She continued to learn more and more about it until she was eleven, when she was so appalled and depressed that she stopped speaking and barely ate anything for months! However, she was inspired by Rosa Parks, and learned that Rosa was an introvert, and she was an introvert also. Rosa showed her how one person can make a huge difference. 


In August 2018, Greta decided she had had enough, and took action. She began her protests by skipping school every Friday to sit outside the Swedish Parliament, with a sign saying 'Skolstrejk for Klimatet' meaning 'School Strike for Climate'. People joined, slowly at first, but soon there were hundreds of people alongside her, from students to teachers to regular people of the public. While on strike, Greta was offered vegan Thai noodles by a Greenpeace activist. She didn't eat just a few bites, or even half of it – she gobbled down the whole thing! 


Undoubtedly, Greta Thunberg is the very embodiment of a notable. She has discovered an extremely threatening, catastrophic issue and alerted the world about it. If it weren't for her, we would likely still be at phase one of fighting climate change. We would be sitting around doing nothing and waiting for the world to burst out in flames! Literally! At first glance, she would look like a spoilt teenage girl, skipping school and making a huge fuss over nothing. Once one has thought about it more deeply, she has done us and the many generations to come a great service. 


Greta worked tirelessly to promote her cause. She did not simply draw a sign and run outside at the first time she heard the words 'climate change' - she researched it for half her childhood! She went on School Strike for a year, doing many things to help , including making a speech at the United Nations COP24 Climate Change Summit and leading the very first Global Strike for Climate. Yet, somehow, she did not miss an entire year of schooling – she still completed plenty of homework and read multiple books. 


Greta has inspired me that no one is too small to make a difference. She reached out to the world and showed it what she cared about, and that not enough is being done about it. Some went after her looks and differences, though many were inspired and the world is working towards net zero emissions. Greta showed me that anything is possible, and no person is limited. She must have thought, at the very young age of eleven, that she could not make a difference, though Rosa Parks demonstrated otherwise. Now Greta is showing the world the difference that can be made. 


I have many passions and interests and dreams, and Greta has demonstrated that one person, with the right mindset and some determination, can do anything. She makes me want to go out into the world, face-first, and pursue what I love, or show that I care, or demonstrate what matters to me. After all, she was just an ordinary schoolchild like any other before she became a worldwide phenomenon. I am in very similar circumstances as Greta was in a few years ago – young schoolchild, many passions and dreams, doesn't know how to pursue them. She has cleared a pathway for all young people in the world, and I, for one, intend to follow in her footsteps. 


In conclusion, Greta Thunberg has shown the world that she cares, and that one person can make a huge difference. She worked very hard to alert the world of climate change and has clearly shown that we need to act now. Greta has inspired millions of people around the world that the moment we decide to fulfill something, we can do anything. She is a truly outstanding and very notable person. I leave you with this: "We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not." - Greta Thunberg 

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