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Dear Year 6 Form Masters,

Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old climate change activist form Sweden. She speaks passionately. She doesn't hide from the truth. She takes action on things that matter. She doesn't worry about what others think of her. She is not afraid. She sat out in the cold and wet, every single Friday with a sign reading: 'School Strike for Climate Change'. What's not to love about Greta Thunberg? She is a climate change activist from Sweden, and she has talked about preventing climate change on the global stage multiple times. 


I wish to further research Greta because she is an embodiment of notability. 'A notable person is someone who has a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity.' She protests about climate change peacefully. She does not seek popularity. She simply speaks to inform humans about climate change, and prevent the absolute devastating effects it could have in the near future if we do not act now. 


Greta has an overwhelmingly positive influence on our lives, because we will end the crisis, thanks to her activism. It also has a great impact on the progress of humanity; future generations will live in peace because she is fighting climate change, right now. So, if you want the definition of notable, look no further than Greta Thunberg. 


Greta began learning about climate change when she was eight years old, and, as a result, at the age of eleven she became so sad about it that she temporarily stopped speaking! This was mainly because Greta has Asperger syndrome, so she says there are 'no grey areas' when it comes to climate change.  She decided to take action in August 2018, sitting outside the Swedish parliament with her 'School Strike for Climate Change' sign, encouraging politicians to take action against global warming. 


Greta was soon picked up by the Swedish media. The word spread. Tens of thousands of students, from all around the world, skip school to protest against climate change. The movement became known as the #FridaysforFuture strikes. This led to the first global strike for climate, occurring in March 2019, with 1.6 million people from 125 different countries taking part. She went on to speak in many climate conventions including the U.N. COP24 and COP25 Summits, giving meaningful speeches to take action on climate. 


Greta Thunberg protests about climate change peacefully but forcefully. She is so passionate about it that when she was 11, she temporarily stopped speaking! She went on to inspire a global strike for climate, with millions taking part around the world. To finish, here is a quote from Greta herself: 'I want you to act as if your house was on fire. Because it is.'

Yours sincerely,

Jack De Ravin, 6M

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