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Who Am I? 


The young woman that is the subject of this rhyme 

Has been named the Person of the Year in ‘The Times’ 


She was born with Asperger’s syndrome 

And grew up in an artistic home 


She loves friendship, her dogs and her family, 

But dislikes small talk and climate calamity 


She went down a rabbit hole, thinking no one could care, 

But it is not true, now she has made us aware 


She is strong and brave and passionate 

Fighting for the justice of climate 


She spoke at U.N. COP24 and 25 

Encouraging global leaders to keep the world alive 


She wishes for a future, it is as simple as that 

Where humans and their mistakes are not at combat 


So, who is this person, cutting emissions to zero? 

It is of course Greta Thunberg, climate change hero! 

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